Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social 2013-2025 de San Vicente y las Granadinas

Tipo de política nacional urbana
Parcial - Política Nacional de Desarrollo
Temporalidad de la política
Saint Vincent and the Granadines

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social de San Vicente y las Granadinas abarca el período 2013-2025, y describe las estrategias a largo plazo del país para el desarrollo nacional. El Plan ofrece una visión para mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los Vicentinos y se basa en la consecución de los siguientes objetivos generales:

  • Niveles altos y sostenidos de crecimiento económico
  • Reducción de los niveles de desempleo y pobreza
  • Mejora de las infraestructuras físicas y de la sostenibilidad medioambiental
  • Altos niveles de desarrollo humano y social
  • Una nación pacífica, segura y protegida
  • Una mano de obra tecnológicamente avanzada
  • Un profundo sentimiento de orgullo nacional y renacimiento cultural
  • Integración regional
  • Una mayor solidaridad mundial


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Derechos constitucionales

Fundamental rights and freedoms  c. protection for the privacy of his home and other property and from deprivation of property without compensation   ...


Protection from deprivation or property  No property of any description shall be compulsorily taken possession of, and no interest in or right over property of any description shall be compulsorily acquired, except for a public purpose and except where provision is made by a law applica...


Formulating Institution

Central Planning Division (CPD) in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

Elaboration process

Eight (8) Technical Working Groups (TWGs) were established to work on the following sectors:
1. Culture, Identity and National Pride 2. Economic Sector
3. Social Capital
4. Governance
5. National Security
6. Energy, Disaster Management and the Environment
7. Physical Infrastructure
8 Education, Telecommunications, Science and Technology
Public and private sector officials and civil society made up the Technical Working Groups. The mandate of the TWGs was to develop a strategic plan for their respective areas. Each working group appointed a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The TWGs had the flexibility to co-opt additional members and formed sub-committees as deemed necessary.

The methodology for formulating the Plan was hinged on the premise of inclusion and wide-ranging public participation. Accordingly, consultations were held in every constituency in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, thereby providing extensive opportunities for Vincentians at every level to make an input and to have a voice in the development process. (...)"

Executive Body

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Central Planning Division, the Cabinet


Main challenge

"Land is a primary source of wealth creation and social status. It is the basis of economic opportunities, especially in the rural areas, while becoming an increasingly scarce resource in the urban areas. In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, land is limited in supply due to the small territorial area, the topography, population demands and other physical constraints. Therefore, land use and environmental management are vital in ensuring efficiency, sustainability and equity in the country’s development process." (p.75)

Enfoque urbano

Urban dimension of policy

Present in:
Goal Four: Improving Physical infrastructure, Preserving the Rnvironment and Building Resilience to Climate Change

Urban strategic objectives

"6.2.5 Housing

Objective 1: Improve the housing and living conditions of all strata of the population. Strategic Interventions

  • Implement the National Physical Development Plan.
  • Develop a housing plan to address building codes and standards.
  • Strengthen housing authority to effectively deliver mandate.
  • Develop an effective land management and delivery system for housing development.
  • Reduce the number of squatter settlements.
  • Regularise and upgrade designated squatter settlements and relocate settlements where necessary.
  • Increase access to housing." (p.103)

"6.4.7 Land Use Planning

Objective 1: To manage and guide the growth and development of the state in a sustainable manner. Strategic Interventions:

  • Create new growth poles along the north-east and western corridors to decentralise activities.
  • Revitalise the other five towns to become multifunctional centres, thereby reducing the urge toward lower density development and encroachment on valuable agricultural lands.
  • Restrict settlement in critical agricultural lands to ensure food security and agro-trade.
  • Enforce land-use zoning legislation to protect the critical ecological balance and bio-diversity." (p.133)
Acción contra el cambio climático

Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience

No climate change actions with a focus on mitigation were found in the policy, but rather on adaptation and risk management.

"Goal 4: Improving Physical Infrastructure, Preserving the Environment and Building Resilience to Climate Change

Objective 4.5: To enhance the capability of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to prepare effectively for, respond to and mitigate disasters.

  • Establish an effective hazard modelling system.
  • Revise the existing National Disaster Management Plan to incorporate climate change.
  • Build resilience at the community level.
  • Strengthen capacity to undertake search and rescue operations.

Objective 4.10: To reduce the adverse impact of climate change.

  • Increase public awareness with regard to climate change issues.
  • Build resilience to minimise damage to settlement and infrastructure.
  • Minimise damage to beach and shoreline integrity and marine ecosystems.
  • Minimise the negative impact of climate change on agriculture and human health.
  • Develop appropriate legislative and regulatory framework, for proper environmental management, and institutional systems for responding and mitigating effects of climate change." (p.129-131)

Main goal

"The 2013-2025 Plan seeks to improve on the shortcomings of the previous ones and to outline a strategy to achieve sustainable economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction leading to the improvement in the quality of life for Vincentians." (p.10)

Strategic objectives

The Five Strategic Goals:

  • Re-Engineering Economic Growth
  • Enabling Increased Human and Social Development
  • Promoting Good Governance and Increasing the Effectiveness of Public Administration
  • Improving Physical Infrastructure, Preserving the Environment and Building Resilience to Climate Change
  • Building National Pride, Identity and Culture

(Page 53)

Action Strategies

Goal 1: Re-Engineering Economic Growth
To revitalise the agricultural and fisheries sector.
To stimulate growth in the tourism sector.
To develop the financial sector.
To enhance the role of the private sector and manufacturing in economic and social development in conjunction with the State and cooperative sectors.
To attain a strong and sustainable external trade position.
To develop the information and telecommunication services sector.
To enhance productivity and competitiveness.
To maximise benefits through integration into the OECS Economic Union, CSME and global economy
To boost economic activity in the construction sector.
To optimise the economic contribution made by ocean resources.

Goal 2: Enabling Increased Human and Social development 
To reduce poverty. 
To create jobs and reduce the levels of unemployment. 
To develop an adaptable, functional and literate population. 
To promote self-care interventions and healthy lifestyle practices. 
To facilitate social, cultural and economic development at 
the community level. 
To empower the youth to participate meaningfully in and contribute to national development 
To improve the housing and living conditions of all sections of the population. 
To facilitate the protection and inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups. 

Goal 3: Promoting good governance and increasing the effectiveness of Public administration 
To enhance participatory democracy, accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of public goods and services. 
To develop and maintain a peaceful, safe and secure environment. 
To lift the quality of the judicial and legal system and to enhance public confidence in it. 
To enhance the role of civil society in the maintenance of democracy. 
To widen and deepen diplomatic relations. 

Goal 4: Improving Physical infrastructure, Preserving the Environment and Building Resilience to climate change 
To optimise the use of limited land space. 
To upgrade the road network in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 
To improve air access to St Vincent and the Grenadines, including the construction of an international airport. 
To modernise and expand seaport facilities. 
To enhance the capability of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to prepare effectively for, respond to and mitigate disasters. 
To ensure an adequate, safe, reliable and sustainable supply of water. 
To conserve the natural resources of the country through effective utilisation and management. 
To ensure a clean, safe and healthy environment. 
To reduce the dependence on imported fuel.
To reduce the adverse impacts of climate change 

Goal 5: Building National Pride, Identity and Culture 
To instil in the citizenry a sense of national pride and appreciation of the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 
To engender a greater sense of community and social responsibility. 
To preserve, maintain and promote the cultural heritage of  St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 
To maximise the contribution of cultural industries to economic growth


Although there is no gender focus in the policy, Section 3.2.6 on Gender and Development briefly mentions some challenges on gender inequality (Chapter 3, on Domestic Economy).