Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible 2020-2035 de Granada

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Formulating Institution
Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic, and Physical Development. Aditionally Two committees – a Steering Committee (SC) and a Technical Working Group (TWG) were appointed by Cabinet. The SC - a multi-interest, multi-sector team - was primarily responsible for: (a) advising on the process for preparation of the Plan; (b) monitoring preparation progress; (c) supporting stakeholders’ consultations; and (d) reviewing draft chapters of the Plan.
The SC comprised 11 members with representatives from youth organisations, farmers’ organisations, Civil Society, churches, political organisations, Public Sector, and Private Sector. The TWG, an eight-member multi-disciplinary team, was responsible for preparing technical working papers, engaging stakeholders, and writing the NSDP 2020-2035. A National Plan Secretariat was established to coordinate the preparation process and provide administrative support to the SC and TWG. (Pag. 2)
Elaboration process
Summary of Key Steps in the Preparation Process:
- Step 1: The National Plan Idea - The initiative to develop a long-term national plan for Grenada was put forward by the Committee of Social Partners Committee (CSP) in 2015.
- Step 2: Launch of National Plan - The elaboration of a national plan for Grenada was officially endorsed by the Government of Grenada and articulated as a strategic priority in the Throne Speech of 2015 and also the Budget Statement for the Fiscal Year 2015.
- Step 3: Governance Arrangements for the Preparation Process Established - Two committees – a Steering Committee (SC) and a Technical Working Group (TWG).
- Step 4: Visioning Exercise – An intensive visioning exercise was conducted, the objectives of which were to formulate a short and inspiring draft Vision Statement, articulate a set of Core Grenadian Values, and develop a “catchy” Slogan and jingle for the National Plan to take to the Public for feedback.
- Step 5: Conceptual Framework for the Plan - The preparation process entailed intensive brainstorming among the SC and TWG about the type of plan to be developed, the strategic focus and design of the plan, the institutional arrangements for implementation, and the framework for monitoring and measuring results.
- Step 6: Execution of Consultations and Public Relation Activities – A public consultation framework and communication strategy were developed, which included the setting up of a National Plan website, media engagements (Social, Radio, Television and Print), and public consultations.
- Step 7: Distilling Feedback from the Consultations – The TWG developed a systematic approach to incorporate the public’s contributions in the formulation of the Plan.
- Step 8: Writing and Review of the National Plan - The National Plan was written during the period February to May 2019. The first draft was submitted by the TWG to the SC and National Plan Secretariat on May 31 2019. The First Draft of the National Plan was reviewed during the period June to August 2019 by local, regional, and international development experts to ensure the highest quality and credibility. A total of 41 ministerial, sectoral, and public consultations were held on the First Draft of the Plan during the period August to October 2019
(Pag. 2-4)
Executive Body
A dedicated entity that is technically and financially resourced will be established with its specific mandate enshrined in law to coordinate the implementation of the National Plan by providing technical support for the preparation and monitoring of the MTAPs. This entity, which shall be named the Sustainable Development Institute of Grenada (SDI), will ultimately be accountable to the Parliament of Grenada. The SDI will be jointly funded by the Government and external development partners.
(Pag. 115)
Main challenge
- Narrow Production Base and Low Value-added Production & Exports
- Highly Susceptible to International Economic Shocks
- Large Pool of Low-skilled Workers and Limited Pool of Highly-skilled Technical Workers.
- Highly Vulnerable to Climate Change and Natural Hazards
- Weak Human Resource Planning & Management, Work Ethics/ Attitudes, and Low Productivity
- Challenges in Health & Education
- Gender Disparities
- Governance and Institutional Weaknesses
- Climate Change
- Culture & History at Risk of Dilution
- Waning of Community Spirit and Societal values.
(Pag. 21)
Urban instrument
The agenda in the outcome 6 of Modern Climate and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure especifically in the section of Spatial Planning recognises the need to address issues and problems of the urban areas and it mentions "The National Physical Development Plan of Grenada" as the instrument regulating the urban problems and of spatial planning. (Pag. 85
Urban dimension of policy
This National Plan recognises the imperative of balanced spatial development to address issues such as saturation and congestion in urban areas (especially the south of the island), rural underdevelopment, unplanned settlements, infrastructure developments in ecologically-sensitive areas, and poor land use.
(Pag. 85)
Main objective of the urban dimension
Therefore, the National Physical Development Plan of Grenada must be updated to reflect the country’s sustainable development priorities which necessitate: (a) spatial balance of all sectors and industries; (b) socioeconomic development in all parishes; (c) land use that supports balanced development and proper zoning; and (d) multi-sectoral and spatial linkages. An updated National Physical Development Plan will have to be supported by creating regulations to accompany the Physical Planning and Development Control Act No. 23/ 2017. Indeed, fundamental institutional strengthening of the Physical Planning Unit will be required. Reforms must be geared at improving governance and institutional arrangements, building human and technical capacities, mainstreaming technology in operations, and improving monitoring, evaluation, enforcement, and accountability. Importantly also, completion of the Draft Land Use Policy and its systematic implementation are also strategic imperatives.
(Pag. 85)
Urban strategic objectives
- Increase investment to improve drainage systems targeted at entire road network.
- Increase investments in sea defences/ barriers on roads along the coast.
- Implement projects for the protection of the Carenage, MBIA, the Marquis to Grenville Corridor, and Grand Anse Beach from sea level rise (Climate- Smart Cities).
- Mandate that all drivers take a road safety course prior to the issuing of new drivers’ licenses, as well as the renewal of existing drivers’ licenses. Licenses should not be issued/renewed until drivers complete the course.
- Introduce a policy that results in the suspension of drivers’ licenses if a driver commits more than two offenses in one year.
- Invest in the widening of trunk and arterial roads and bridges throughout the country to accommodate increased traffic.
- Enforce building codes to prevent building close to the road and the traffic regulations to prevent parking on the roadside.
- Develop a comprehensive transportation policy and action plan to address: (a) legislation and enforcement; (b) regulation; (c) expanded services (structured night transport and ultimately 24/7 service); (d) road safety; (e) road order (structured/designated areas for bus stops across the island); (f) vehicle importation (incentives for environmentally-friendly vehicles); (g) licensing; (h) fare setting for buses and taxies; (i) parking facilities; (j) shuttling; and (k) “flexi” work/commercial time.
- Construct a new climate-resilient airport in Carriacou.
- Increase investments in rain water harvesting.
- Promote increased storage, distribution, and use of untreated water for non-consumption activities.
- Scale up investments in desalination plants powered by renewable energy.
- Protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.
- Update the National Physical Development Plan of Grenada to reflect the country’s sustainable development priorities, which necessitate: (a) spatial balance of all sectors and industries; (b) socioeconomic development in all parishes; (c) land use that supports balanced development and proper zoning; and (d) multi-sectoral and spatial linkages.
- Introduce new and progressive regulations to support balanced spatial development.
- Undertake fundamental reforms of the Physical Planning Unit to improve efficiency. Reforms must be geared at strengthening governance and institutional arrangements, building human and technical capacities building, mainstreaming technology in operations, and improving monitoring, evaluation, enforcement, and accountability.
(Pag. 85)
Operating instruments
Caribbean Climate Online Risk Adaptation Tool (CCORAL)
Mitigation, adaptation and resilience actions are present in the policy.
The agenda mentions the Climate-Smart Cities Programme "wich addresses both adaptive strategies to build resilience to climate change and to reduce CO2 emissions and is complementary to other climate change adaptation and mitigation actions in the country. Significant co-benefits are expected including reduction in terrestrial, marine, and air pollution; improvement in the tourism product and preservation of heritage sites; improved opportunities for women, youth, and those in poverty; and stimulation of increased economic and social activities". (Pag. 89)
The planned interventions for Grenada under the programme are as follows:
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction through energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and strategies;
- Sea level rise adaptation measures and investments, targeting the major cities and tourism belt where more than 30.0 percent of the population reside and the centers of economic and social activities;
- Urban densification and climate-resilient urban expansion in the main city to reduce congestion and the development of urban sprawls (adaptation and mitigation impacts);
- Ecosystem restoration and water-system reinforcement targeting the watersheds associated with the urban areas; and
- Capacity building for green development to ensure that we have the capacity to develop, implement, and sustain investments in climate resilience and emission reduction. (Pag. 90)
In the agenda is mentioned "the implementation plans of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2017-2021 and the National Determined Contribution (NDC)" Pag 88. as strategies and policies to plan on climate change. The agenda also targets adaption policies as one of the strategies to combat climate change.
- Strengthen institutional structures and arrangements to support coordination, mainstreaming, and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, along with the systematic integration of climate change adaptation into development policies, plans, programmes, projects, budgets, and processes.
- Strengthen project management capacities to fully integrate the Caribbean Climate Online Risk Adaptation Tool (CCORAL) in the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) process and integrate climate resilience into the public procurement processes. (Pag. 92)
- Develop and implement a gender-sensitive National Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Strategy for Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.
- Strengthen the regulatory and operational framework for disaster risk management. Expand insurance coverage of public assets
- Build capacity of disaster management professionals in analysing and managing the risk situations concerning the most vulnerable groups; build capacities and increase hazard risk awareness among the disaster professionals and service providers. Establish/legislate a national disaster fund for Grenada, into which both the private and public sectors contribute. (Pag. 92)
Main goal
The strategic focus of the NSDP 2020-2035 rests on the three sustainable development pillars; the society, the economy, and the environment. Accordingly, Vision 2035 is translated into the following three National Goals:
- Goal #1: High Human and Social Development: Putting People at the Center of Sustainable Development and Transformation.
- Goal #2: Vibrant, Dynamic, Competitive Economy with Supporting Climate-and-Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure.
- Goal #3: Environmental Sustainability & Security.
Cross-cutting principles
National Core Values: In the process of nation building, our rich history, culture, and heritage must be preserved and our true Grenadian identity and values consolidated. This National Plan identifies the following as our Core Values:
- Respect for self and others.
- Respect for fundamental rights and freedom and the rule of law.
- Respect for the environment.
- The promotion of human dignity and trust.
- Strong families, communities, schools, churches, and civil society.
- Tolerance of spiritual and other diversity.
- Social justice, fairness, equality, and equity.
- Commitment to the disadvantaged, poor, and vulnerable in society.
- Consciousness and patriotism.
- Adherence to moral values and ethical behaviour.
- Commitment to efficiency.
- Accountability, transparency, and good governance.
- Democratic freedom, participatory democracy, and citizens’ engagement.
- Safety and security.
(Pag. xx)
Strategic objectives
The National Goals are mapped into eight National Outcomes, which are the improvements or positive changes in institutions, systems, communities, behaviours, living conditions, or knowledge that we aim for. Each National Outcome is linked to relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The National Outcomes are:
- Outcome #1 - A Healthy Population - SDG 3
- Outcome #2 - Educated, Productive, Highly-Skilled, Trained, and Conscious Citizens - SDG 4, 8
- Outcome #3 - A Resilient, Inclusive, Gender-Sensitive, and Peaceful Society - SDG 1, 5, 10, 16
- Outcome #4 - Broad-based, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economic Growth and Transformation - SDG 2, 8, 12, 14, 15
- Outcome #5 - Competitive Business Environment - SDG 8, 9, 17
- Outcome #6 - Modern Climate-and-Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure - SDG 6, 9, 11, 13
- Outcome #7 - Climate Resilience and Hazard Risk Reduction - SDG 13, 14, 15
- Outcome #8 - Energy Security and Efficiency - SDG 7, 13
(Pag. 22)
The outcome 3 of the agenda mentions that one of the objectives is to achieve a Gender sensitive society and enumerates the policies signed by the goverment to achieve this outcome such as "Cabinet the National Gender Equality Policy and Action Plan (GEPAP) 2014-2024 in 2014... Through GEPAP and international commitments, Grenada has adopted the strategy of gender mainstreaming as the primary strategy to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. An Inter-Ministerial Council of Gender Focal Points was formed in 2017, and expanded and launched in 2019 to create a mechanism for mainstreaming gender in the Whole-of- Government (WOG). Grenada ratified the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Convention 189 on the Rights of Domestic Workers in 2018. In the 2019 Budget Statement, the Government reaffirmed its commitment to gender mainstreaming in decision making and development planning to ensure that development interventions are gender sensitive and responsive to the differentiated realities and needs of men and women." (Pag. 49)
The agenda also presents three indicators of gender equality education and training; economic empowerment; and gender-based violence and has national strategies to achieve this outcome such as:
22. Apply completed gender analyses when planning actions to implement each priority in this National Plan or, where necessary, use suitable expertise to conduct gender analyses that consider inter-sectionalities.
23. Implement the GEPAP and the normative framework for gender equality and the empowerment of women, as well as other Conventions like ILO C189 in a comprehensive manner.
24. Make visible in public policies issues facing girls and young women as those facing boys and young men. Make use of sex-disaggregated data to inform public policies.
25. Strengthen institutional structures and implement programmes to reduce the barriers to women's employment, entrepreneurship and leadership and facilitate women's empowerment.
26. Eliminate the gender gap in students’ access to and attainment in TVET skills.
27. Reduce the wage gap by using the principle of equal pay for work of equal value to conduct job evaluations on jobs in the domestic and care sector, clerical fields, and shop assistants to inform the next revision of the Minimum Wages Order.
28. Take steps to advance and monitor the application of the principles of decent work in jobs in the Public and Private Sectors. Increase women’s access to the means of production. Reduce the barriers to women’s employment.
29. Strengthen the operations of each entity that has specific mandate to provide short- term and long-term responses to gender- based violence and child abuse.
30. Improve the system of offender accountability, including a sexual offenders’ registry.
31. Strengthen legislation to address gender- based violence.
32. Develop and enforce legislation against explicit and lewd sexual message in music, movies and other forms of entertainment that promote violence against women, with appropriate penalties for violations. Establish watchdog body with power to censure. All cultural and social entities must take responsibility for their part in abating and preventing violence against women.
33. Increase emphasis on the prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual abuse, including child sexual abuse.
34. Disseminate the results of the prevalence study on violence against women conducted in 2018 and develop a system for the collection of official administrative data on intimate partner violence and sexual abuse
35. Take steps to achieve critical mass in all sectors and at all levels of decision-making where it does not now exist, and maintain gender parity where it exists.
Technical Instruments
"A Results-Monitoring Framework (RMF)" has been developed to systematically monitor, assess, and report on progress toward the attainment of our desired National Goals and Outcomes" (Pag. XXII)
In the table 7.1 RESULTS MONITORING FRAMEWORK it can be found the statistics desired trough the years proposed by the agenda in terms of its otucomes and indicators. (Pag. 127-132)