Sistema de financiamiento urbano de Barbados

Barbados es una democracia parlamentaria. Según el Foro de Gobiernos Locales de la Commonwealth, las once parroquias se dividen en treinta distritos electorales, cada uno de ellos compuesto por un consejo de circunscripción (CC) con representantes locales elegidos por el gobierno central encargados de representar las preocupaciones de los residentes de la circunscripción, mantener relaciones con el gobierno central y gestionar los recursos asignados.

Los consejos de circunscripción se componen de once personas, un presidente y un tesorero, que son recomendadas por un comité de altos funcionarios al ministro, quien en última instancia hace la selección. Normalmente las personas elegidas son las que tienen experiencia en la comunidad y son representativas de los grupos de interés. Las CC no pueden recaudar ni obtener ingresos, sólo reciben transferencias restringidas del gobierno central y tienen capacidad para gestionar estos recursos.

( ! ) Este contenido está disponible sólo en su idioma original.

Instrumentos de financiamiento

Seleccione el tipo de Instrumentos de financiamiento de la siguiente lista:
  • Transferencias intergubernamentales

    According to the Commonwealth Local Government Forum the CCs recieve annual transfers of BB100.0000 in forms of projects from the national government. The money is deposited in their central accounts once reports on spending are approved.  

Base legal

Entidad territorial analizada
1. Municipal
Autonomía local reconocida (Administrativa y financiera)

There is no local autonomy for the Constituency Councils. However, they can assist and manage the resources assigned to them.

Art. 2.

In this Act,  “Constituency Council” or “Council” mean a body of local representatives who have been appointed in accordance with section 3(4)   ...

Art. 4.

4. The purpose of each Council is to  (a) improve the delivery of social services to constituents; and (b) effectively and efficiently assist in the management of resources assigned for the development of each constituency within a framework of good governance.    ...

Art. 5.

5. (1) The functions f each Council are to  (a) build relevant databases with respect to the constituency in collaboration with other government department (b) to identify the priority needs of the constituency based on supporting data: (c) make recommedations to the Minister on pr...

Recursos propios
Art. 6.

The expenses of each Council are to be defrayed out of (a) such money as may be voted for the purpose; (b) money arising from gifts, grants or donatios; (c) money becoming payable to or vested in each Council.   ...

Régimen especial
Facultades tributarias

Non applicable

Competencias- Responsabilidades de gasto
Art. 7.

The Funds of each Council shall be applied toward (a) the operating expenses of the Council; (b) payment of the Council’c programmes, activities, pojects, and specific expenses authorised by the Department; and  (c) such other purposes as are (i)    Necessary for th ...