1) There shall be charged, levied and paid to the Licensing Authority of the area in which any motor vehicle or trailer is kept for use on a road, annual licence duties at the rates specified in the First Schedule. Such duties shall, save as may hereinafter be provided, be payable in accordance with the provisions of section 13, and, subject thereto, be collectable recoverable and enforceable under the provisions of any Act for the time being in force regulating the payment, collection, Schedule, recovery and enforcement of taxes or duties: Provided that a licence to use a motor vehicle shall not be granted unless the applicant for the licence produces to the Licensing Authority a certificate of fitness in respect of the vehicle:
Provided further that in the case of motor vehicles brought into Jamaica by persons making only a temporary stay in Jamaica or by dealers in motor vehicles, the regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of licences and registration plates and for the kind of licences and registration plates to be issued to such persons, and as to the conditions under which such licences and registration plates shall be issued and the duty payable.
(2) The Minister responsible for finance may by order
(a)revoke, increase, reduce or alter any licence duty specified in the First Schedule and may add any licence duty thereto; and
(b) revoke, increase, reduce or alter any fee imposed by subsection (3) of section 17, subsection (1) of section 18, subsection (5) of section 25, subsection (3) of section 66 or subsection (1) of section 70
(6) The duties charged under this section shall be paid upon a licence to be taken out by the owner or person in charge of the motor vehicle or trailer and which shall be issued and be subject to such conditions and regulations as may be prescribed
(7) Every person applying for the first licence in respect of any motor vehicle or trailer under this section shall make application to the Licensing Authority of the area in which the motor vehicle or trailer is kept for use on a road, and shall make a declaration and furnish such particulars with respect to the motor vehicle, or trailer for which the licence is to be taken out, as may be prescribed. On the expiration of the period covered by the first or any subsequent licence a fresh licence shall be issued by the Licensing Authority in the name of the owner for the time being, upon appIication, production of a certificate of fitness and payment of the duty.