Costa Rica

National Level
Gobierno Central
Intermediate/Regional Level
Provincias 7
Local Level
Cantones 81
Gobiernos locales
National Urban Policy
- National urban policy type:ExplicitPolicy temporality:Long-term
Costa Rica is a unitary country administratively divided into Provinces, Municipalities and Districts. The Municipalities correspond to the only self-government at the local level, which are made up of districts. Their political, financial and administrative autonomy is constitutionally recognized.
The municipalities in Costa Rica, unlike many local governments in the region, are financed mainly by the generation of their own resources, both tax and non-tax. Among the most important local collection mechanisms are the property tax and the special fuel tax, of which they cannot set rates; however, municipalities can propose to the Legislative Assembly the creation of taxes and tax exemptions, and set the rates and prices for municipal services.
Regarding intergovernmental transfers, the central government transfers 10% of its ordinary income to local governments.
Additionally, municipal governments have access to external financing mechanisms such as internal and external debt and issuance of municipal bonds under the parameters established by law, financing from the private sector and International Cooperation funds.
Costa Rica has a very diverse regulatory framework for land use planning, which proposes competencies, both direct and indirect, to multiple State institutions, and at different planning scales.
Land use planning and urban planning is considered a function of the State.
The municipalities, and other public entities, must define and execute national land use planning policies to promote the common good and the protection of the environment over particular interests.