National Sustainable Development Plan 2020-2035

Planning instrument type

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3.3 Goal # 3: Environmental Sustainability and Security

3.2.3 Outcome #6: Modern Climate-and-Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure Spatial Planning 

This National Plan recognises the imperative of balanced spatial development to address issues such as saturation and congestion in urban areas (especially the south of the island), rural underdevelopment, unplanned settlements, infrastructure developments in ecologically-sensitive areas, and poor land use. Therefore, the National Physical Development Plan of Grenada must be updated to reflect the country’s sustainable development priorities which necessitate: (a) spatial balance of all sectors and industries; (b) socioeconomic development in all parishes; (c) land use that supports balanced development and proper zoning; and (d) multi-sectoral and spatial linkages. 

An updated National Physical Development Plan will have to be supported by creating regulations to accompany the Physical Planning and Development Control Act No. 23/ 2017. Indeed, fundamental institutional strengthening of the Physical Planning Unit will be required. Reforms must be geared at improving governance and institutional arrangements, building human and technical capacities, mainstreaming technology in operations, and improving monitoring, evaluation, enforcement, and accountability. Importantly also, completion of the Draft Land Use Policy and its systematic implementation are also strategic imperatives. 

3.3.1 Outcome #7: Climate Resilience and Hazard Risk Reduction Climate-Smart Cities Programme 

The vision for a climate-smart Grenada is formulated as a nation that fosters climate-resilient and low- emission education and capacity building, interlinked with social and economic sustainable development, to become the world’s first “climate-smart population.” In this regard, Grenada’s Climate-Resilient Cities initiative addresses both adaptive strategies to build resilience to climate change and to reduce CO2 emissions and is complementary to other climate change adaptation and mitigation actions in the country. Significant co-benefits are expected including reduction in terrestrial, marine, and air pollution; improvement in the tourism product and preservation of heritage sites; improved opportunities for women, youth, and those in poverty; and stimulation of increased economic and social activities. 

The planned interventions for Grenada under the programme are as follows: 

1)  Greenhouse gas emission reduction through energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and strategies; 

2)  Sea level rise adaptation measures and investments, targeting the major cities and tourism belt where more than 30.0 percent of the population reside and the centers of economic and social activities; 

3)  Urban densification and climate-resilient urban expansion in the main city to reduce congestion and the development of urban sprawls (adaptation and mitigation impacts); 

4)  Ecosystem restoration and water-system reinforcement targeting the watersheds associated with the urban areas; and 

5)  Capacity building for green development to ensure that we have the capacity to develop, implement, and sustain investments in climate resilience and emission reduction. 


Territorial level
Level 1: National
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