Physical Plan for Grenada

Planning instrument type

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10.—(1) The Chief Executive Officer may prepare, or cause to be prepared, a physical plan for the whole of Grenada within three years after the commencement of this Act. 

(2) In preparing a physical plan for Grenada, the Chief Executive Officer may adopt, with or without variations, a physical plan for any area of Grenada proposed by any person who has an interest in that area, or by a community situated in or the local authority for that area. 

(2) A physical plan may as appropriate– 

(a)  allocate land for conservation or for use or development for agricultural, residential, industrial, commercial, tourism or other purposes of any class specified in the plan; 

(b)  provide for the matters set out in the Second Schedule. 

(3) A physical plan may– 

(a)  define the sites of proposed roads, public and other buildings and works, or the allocation of land for agriculture, residential, industrial or other purposes of any class, and the conditions under which such development should be carried out; 

(b)  designate any area as being an area which, for reasons of flooding, erosion, subsidence, instability, aircraft safety, or other hazards, conservation or other environ- mental considerations, should not be developed; 

(c)  make proposals for the preservation of buildings, sites and other features for architectural, cultural, archaeological or historical reasons. 

(3) Upon finalizing the physical plan, the Chief Executive Officer shall submit the physical plan to the Authority, who shall then submit the physical plan to the Minister for his or her approval. 

13.—(1) When the Authority prepares or adopts a physical plan, the Authority shall submit a copy to the Minister and make copies available for public inspection at its offices or any other places the Authority considers appropriate, to bring the plan to the attention of persons who are likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the proposals in it. 

(2) After considering the draft physical plan and the report submitted by the Authority under section 12, the Minister may accept the plan, with or without modifications, or may reject it. 

14. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Authority shall at least once in every five years after the date on which a physical plan is approved, review and report on the plan as aforesaid. 

2.In this Act, unless context otherwise requires-

“Authority” means the body established as the Planning and Development Authority under section 5; 

“Chief Executive Officer” means the person responsible for the day to day administration and supervision of the staff of the Physical Planning Unit and the implementation of the policies of the Authority; 

“Minister” means the Minister, for the time being, charged with the responsibility for planning and development; 

“Physical Planning Unit” means a unit, whether or not called by that name, responsible for the implementation of this Act and located in the Ministry responsible for physical planning. 


Territorial level
Level 1: National
Approved by
The Parliament