Derecho a la ciudad en Trinidad y Tobago

Estatus del Derecho en el marco legal general

Consagración como derecho fundamental
No contemplada
Definición del Derecho

According to UN-Habitat, the Right to the City is the right of all people to inhabit, use, occupy, produce, transform, govern and enjoy just, inclusive, safe, sustainable and democratic cities, towns and urban settlements, defined as common goods for a dignified life.

The Right to the City is composed of 8 fundamental principles: 1) cities free of discrimination, 2) cities with gender equality, 3) cities of inclusive citizenship for all, 4) participatory cities, 5) accessible and affordable cities, 6) cities with quality public spaces and services, 7) cities with diverse and inclusive economies, and 8) sustainable cities with urban-rural linkages.

Several documents contribute to the understanding of the right to the city as a structural element to promote urban development policies aimed at building just, democratic and sustainable cities, such as the "World Charter for the Right to the City" (2005) and the New Urban Agenda (2016) of Habitat III.