Visión 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan

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Visión 2030 Jamaica. National Development Plan.

Vision 2030 Jamaica is our country’s first long-term National Development Plan which aims to put Jamaica in a position to achieve developed country status by 2030. It is based on a comprehensive vision: 

“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”. 

Goal 4: Jamaica has a healthy natural environment 

National Outcome 13: Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources 

13.1. Integrate environmental issues in economic and social decision-making policies and processes 

13.3. Develop and implement mechanisms for biodiversity conservation and ecosystems management 

13.3 Develop efficient and effective governance structures for environmental management 

National Outcome #15 Sustainable Urban and Rural Development

National strategies:

15.1 Create a comprehensive and efficient planning system

15.2. Create an appropriate system for sustainability planning.

15.3. Create sustainable urban centers, including urban renewal and upgrading.

15.4. Create vibrant and diversified urban areas

15.5. Ensure safe, sanitary and affordable shelter for all. 

Implemented through Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Frameworks (MTFs); Current one from 2018 to 2021

Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) 2018-2021

MTF 2018 - 2021 – is the fourth in a series of seven consecutive 3-year plans and is aligned to the overall vision, goals and national outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan and allows for a stage-by-stage operationalization of the long-term National Development Plan. 

National Outcome #15 – Sustainable Urban and Rural Development 

MTF 2018 - 2021 outlines a package of priorities designed to improve urban and rural development such as: 

Development of at least six sustainable development plans 

Preparation of a national spatial plan 

Wide scale use of AMANDA in all required agencies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development applications and approvals process 

Development and promulgation of the agricultural land use policy 

Replication of the Caribbean Local Economic Development Project (CARILED) in selected parishes 

Finalization and promulgation of the national housing policy 

National Strategies 2018 – 2021 

The following national strategies will be pursued over the next 3 years: 

Create a Comprehensive and Efficient Planning System 

Create an Appropriate Framework for Sustainability Planning 

Create Sustainable Urban Centres, including Urban Renewal and Upgrading 

Create Vibrant and Diversified Rural Areas 

Ensure Safe, Sanitary and Affordable Shelter for All


Escala territorial del instrumento
Level 1: National
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