Local Government Reform Bill of 2019 - Trinidad and Tobago
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(ao) in section 109, by repealing subsection (1) and substituting the following new subsections- “ (1) The is stablished for every Corporation a Statutoru Fund to be known by its corporate name (here in after referred to as a “Corporation Fund”) (1A) The Moneys of a Coporation Fund unde...
(a) Construction and maintenance of local roads and bridges; (b) Construction and maintenance of minor drains and minor water courses; (c) Local health, food inspection; general sanitation, rodent control, vector control and canine control; (d) Garbage collection and d...
(1) A Municipal Corporation shall be responsible for the collection of property taxes in relation to residential land within its Municipality. (2) Where a Municipal Corporation collects property taxes on residential land in its Municipality, it shall retain such taxes in its Corporation...
(1) A Municipal Corporation shall keep accounts for all property taxes on residential land in its Municipality collected under section 77 and all taxpayers in its Municipality who fail to pay the assessed taxes required to be paid in any assessed period. ...
The Property Taxes Act is amended— (b) in section 10 by— (i) renumbering section 10 as section 10(1); and (ii) by inserting after section 10(1), as renumbered, the following subsection: “ (2) Notwithstanding residential land shall be paid to the Municipal Corporation i...
by renumbering section 220 as 220(1) and inserting after section 220(1) as renumbered the following new subsection: “ (2) A Municipal Police Office Officer may issue fixed penalty tickets under the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) Act.”;  ...
(ao) in section 109, by repealing subsection (1) and substituting the following new subsections- “ (1) The is stablished for every Corporation a Statutory Fund to be known by its corporate name (here in after referred to as a “Corporation Fund”) (1A) The Moneys of a Coporation Fun...