Sistema de financiamiento urbano de Bahamas
Bahamas es una monarquía constitucional parlamentaria, con dos niveles de gobierno: nacional y local. La Ley de Gobierno Local de 1996 es la principal legislación que los regula y los clasifica entre el segundo escalafón, compuesto por comités municipales, y el tercer escalafón, compuesto por consejos de distrito.
Los gobiernos locales de Bahamas no están facultados para generar ingresos propios, sino que dependen principalmente de las transferencias del gobierno a través del fondo consolidado.
Instituciones subnacionales y locales
Instituciones internacionales
- Banco de Desarrollo para América Latina (CAF)
- Banco Europeo de Inversiones
- Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)
- Banco Mundial (BM)
- Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)
- Fondo Verde del Clima
- La Organización Mundial de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU)
- Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE)
- Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo (PNUD)
- Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos (ONU-HÁBITAT)
( ! ) Este contenido está disponible sólo en su idioma original.
Instrumentos de financiamiento
Seleccione el tipo de Instrumentos de financiamiento de la siguiente lista:
The consolidated fund is where all the revenues collected in Bahamas are deposited and later redistributed within the different kinds of local government.
Base legal
Local governments in Bahamas do not have a recognized autonomy, they do however have administrative delegations and tasks in charge of providing basic services to the citizens.
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the funds and resources of each committee shall consist of — (a) any moneys as from time to time are provided by Parliament; and (b) such other sums as the Minister of Finance may by order direct. ...
(1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), the funds and resources of each Council shall consist of — (a) any moneys as from time to time are provided by Parliament; and (b) such other sums as the Minister of Finance may by Order direct. ...
Local governments in Bahamas do not have the capacity to raise their own tributes.
The expenditure responsibilities are divided between the town committees and council districts each having its duties specified in the articles 9 and 14 of the Local Government Act.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, each town committee of a town area in a district shall have, in relation to that town area, the following functions, namely — (a) in conformity with national standards — (i) to provide for general health and sanitation, including stre...
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law but subject to subsections (2) and (3), each Council of a district (other than a district specified in the Third Schedule) — (a) shall appoint boards which shall have and exercise, in relation to that district — (i) the powers of the R...