XXX MINURVI General Assembly (Colombia, 2021)
Event information
The XXX General Assembly of the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI) was held on November 22 and 23, 2021 in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
This meeting provided a space for the exchange of experiences, studies and programs on housing and urban development with the objective of: i) transforming the living conditions of Latin American and Caribbean countries and ii) placing housing and habitat as pillars for achieving economic recovery in the Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC), in the face of the impacts of an unprecedented regional and global health emergency.
The Assembly addressed three thematic areas: i) national urban policies, ii) housing financing and iii) urban development trends in Latin America and the Caribbean, which were developed in depth during the first day through panels, conferences and exchanges with the participation of authorities, technicians and regional experts.
On the second day, the ministerial dialogue was held, which opened the election of the next country in charge of the presidency and the members of the Executive Committee for the period 2021- 2022 of MINURVI, and the signing of the Declaration of Cartagena de Indias of the Thirtieth Assembly.
Please find attached the ECLAC publication "Housing and Habitat as Pillars of Economic Recovery: Speeches at the 30th MINURVI General Assembly" where you will find a summary of the papers and presentations of the XXX General Assembly of the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Please scroll down the Agenda below to see the details and download the materials of this activity.
Durante esta sesión se realizaron cuatro presentaciones individuales.
- La importancia del rol de las ciudades y comunidades (Dario Herrera Falcones)
- Política Nacional del Hábitat 2020-2040 (Irene Campos Gomez)
- Política Urbana Nacional en Cuba (Anelis marichal)
- Políticas Urbanas Nacionales y Pospandemia: Brasil (Mirna Quindere)
Durante esta sesión se realizaron dos presentaciones individuales y un panel.
- Un país de propietarios: resultados Mi Casa Ya y PVG II (Daniel Gomez Gaviria)
- Conferencia: recomendaciones del informe Ciudades y Pandemia de ONU-Hábitat
20 (Elkin Velasquez) - Retos de la política de vivienda en Colombia después de la pandemia (Moderado por Vanessa Velasco)
Durante esta sesión se realizaron dos paneles.
- Vivienda, suelo y movilidad: potenciar la articulación de políticas públicas e inversiones para una mejor ciudad (Moderado por Diego Aulestia)
- La agenda de vivienda en Centro América y República Dominicana (Región SISCA), México, y Colombia: Potenciando el diálogo y la colaboración entre países. (Moderado por Ana Claudia Rossbach)
En las palabras de Cierre se hicieron 4 presentaciones individuales
- Housing and Urban Policies in a (Post) Covid-19 World (Políticas urbanas y de vivienda en un mundo Post COVID-19) (David Sislen)
- Alicia Barcena
- Maimunah Mohd Sharif
- Ivan Duque