Guyana National Land Use Plan

National urban policy type
Partial - Territorial Plan
Policy temporality
Guyana National Land Use Plan

The primary objective of the National Land Use Plan (NLUP) is to provide a strategic framework to guide land development in Guyana. As such the NLUP is built upon a number of national policies and strategies that have a direct relevance for land use and land management.


( ! ) This content is available only in the original language.


Formulating Institution

This National Land Use Plan was developed by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC), Land Use Planning Section, with support from the Development of Land Use Planning Project (DLUPP) and financial support from the European Union. As such, this report is a substantive and contracted output from the DLUPP.

[Preface, pg. i]

Elaboration process

The planning team consisted of GL&SC staff supported by consultants. A steering committee, composed of representatives of institutions with various roles and responsibilities in land use planning, was established at the start of the project and met quarterly. In addition, regular presentations and workshops were held throughout the duration of the Project to present findings.

[Introduction, 1.5 Method of Compilation - 1.5.1 Planning Team, pg. 12]

Consultations for land use planning can be divided into two types; institutional and community stakeholder consultations. The institutional consultations were undertaken mainly in Georgetown and followed the pattern of an initial consultation to introduce the aims of the Project followed by a longer consultation to gather information, discuss issues and obtain any available data. Other institutional consultations were also conducted in easily accessible Regions and during the course of a country-wide field trip in September 2011.

[Introduction, 1.5 Method of Compilation - 1.5.3 Consultation, pg. 13]


Main challenge

  • Research & Extension Services
  • Markets & Finance
  • Land Use Conflicts
  • Land Administration
  • Farm to Market Roads
  • Irrigation
  • Drainage
  • Planning & Co-ordination
Implementation tool

Operating instruments

Global Land Cover Network (GLCN 2006)

Action against climate change

It is not made explicit in the official National Urban Policy document.



No gender focus was found in the National Urban Policy.