The Circular Economy: a cross-sectoral strategy for sustainable development

Event type



The project "Inclusive, sustainable and smart cities in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean", of the cooperation program between ECLAC, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), focuses on strengthening the technical and institutional conditions to promote sustainable development in the field of action of urban connectivity. The project has as its structuring axis the big push for sustainability approach, according to which the post-COVID-19 recovery of cities should be characterized by better environmental practices, more qualified jobs, production with a higher technological content and coordination between private investments and a strategic vision formulated by the States.

The concept of circular economy has been gaining more and more relevance, especially because of its cross-cutting nature across economic sectors. The transition to a circular economy implies a profound change in the way we produce and consume, as well as the development of economic models that create value in a sustainable manner. For this reason, the objective of this event is to update the state of the art of the implementation of the circular economy in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, presenting studies and initiatives in the region in different sectors. It will also present cases of development and implementation of technologies and policies in this area, as a way of sharing experiences, contributing to the fulfillment of global decarbonization goals.

The agenda will be developed as follows:

Block 1: State of knowledge or progress of the circular economy (CE) in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region.

Block 2: Technologies and initiatives for circularity in various sectors.

Block 3: State of progress towards circularity in cities and countries - technologies and policies

Block 4: Policies needed to accelerate the implementation of CE in LAC (contrasting technologies and policies)