For urban development, it is essential to think about building inclusive and sustainable cities. Inclusive cities are achieved through different levels of political commitment from all the actors involved and mechanisms and institutions that facilitated this inclusion, including participatory policy formulation, universal access to services, spatial planning, reduction of inequality of gender and a recognition of the role of local and national governments in achieving inclusive growth.
Resilient and affordable housing in the Caribbean: Policy recommendations towards a transformative, green and inclusive recovery strategy. Policy Brief
Inclusion and urban mobility with a human-rights and gender-equality approach: a policy instrument analysis and identification framework for the development of sustainable urban mobility systems in Latin America
Dissemination resources
The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum is approaching
Experiences from Malaysia and Jordan drive the update of Chile's National Policy led by the National Council for Territorial Development, with support from ECLAC
The 3rd Regional Housing Forum 2024 in Mexico will feature ECLAC's participation