Urban economics: What do you need to know to manage cities better?

Event type
Traning course
imagen ciudad y logos institucionales

imagen ciudad y logos institucionales

Event information

Start date
End date
Event type
Traning course
In-person CEPAL

How and why does urban regulation affect informality and the fiscal health of a municipality?

How can non-tax instruments finance the costs of urbanization?

Are prices higher in a city with greater infrastructure provision?

Why do land prices not reflect increased urban development?

Is it feasible to provide inclusive housing following market laws?


These and other questions will be addressed in this face-to-face course (40 hours), aimed at professionals in the field of urban planning and management.

The course will take place at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura).

Lecturers include Cynthia Goytia, PhD; Marcela Román, MSc; Martim Smolka, PhD; Diego Aulestia, MA; Anaclaudia Rossbach, Msc, and others.


Application open until September 1, 2023.

All applicants must complete the application form linked on this page, which will be available between August 4 and September 1.

There is a maximum of 30 places available.

The result of the selection process will be announced in the second half of September.


There is no cost for the course.

Participants will be responsible for their own expenses related to travel and accommodation in Santiago, Chile.