IV. Urban economy

IV. Urban economy

Cities finance their development through a combination of their own resources, intergovernmental transfers, and external resources. Financing urban development is not only a challenge of infrastructure and urban services, but also about a significant contribution to the reduction of inequalities and inequities within cities, among them, and between their associated territories.

The urban economy's development strategies must consider economic development at the local level as a driver, together with adequate livelihoods and access to jobs for the population, both in the formal and informal sectors.


Urban economics: What do you need to know to manage cities better?

Event type
Traning course
imagen ciudad y logos institucionales

imagen ciudad y logos institucionales

Event information

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End date
Event type
Traning course
In-person CEPAL

How and why does urban regulation affect informality and the fiscal health of a municipality?

How can non-tax instruments finance the costs of urbanization?

Are prices higher in a city with greater infrastructure provision?

Why do land prices not reflect increased urban development?

Is it feasible to provide inclusive housing following market laws?


These and other questions will be addressed in this face-to-face course (40 hours), aimed at professionals in the field of urban planning and management.

The course will take place at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura).

Lecturers include Cynthia Goytia, PhD; Marcela Román, MSc; Martim Smolka, PhD; Diego Aulestia, MA; Anaclaudia Rossbach, Msc, and others.


Application open until September 1, 2023.

All applicants must complete the application form linked on this page, which will be available between August 4 and September 1.

There is a maximum of 30 places available.

The result of the selection process will be announced in the second half of September.


There is no cost for the course.

Participants will be responsible for their own expenses related to travel and accommodation in Santiago, Chile.

MINURVI Ministerial Meeting (Brazil, 2024)

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Event information

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Event type

The meeting of the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urbanism of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI): Climate Resilience and Sustainable Growth in Human Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, will be held on Thursday, August 1, and Friday, August 2, 2024, in Brasília, Brazil. The meeting will primarily focus on climate resilience and sustainable growth in human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During the event, topics will include biodiversity and climate change resilience in human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, Build Back Better: an approach to post-disaster recovery for more resilient cities, and land and climate change. Additionally, a ministerial debate will be held to exchange and share experiences, best practices, and proposals to promote urban resilience.

The meeting will feature a diverse group of participants, including ministers and high-level authorities from Latin American and Caribbean countries, academics, and civil society representatives to foster a richer discussion.

The National Council for Territorial Development of Chile (CNDT) is in the process of updating the country’s National Urban Development Policy. In this context, and in response to a request for support in identifying best practices and international experiences, ECLAC has facilitated exchanges between CNDT members and counterparts in Malaysia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Regional Workshop on Accelerating SDG Implementation: the role of Voluntary National and Local Reviews

Event type
Regional Workshop on Accelerating SDG Implementation: the role of Voluntary National and Local Reviews

Regional Workshop on Accelerating SDG Implementation: the role of Voluntary National and Local Reviews

Event information

Start date
End date
Seventh Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development.

In the framework of the Seventh Meeting of the Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries on Sustainable Development to be held in person at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago from 15 to 18 April 2024, ECLAC together with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) are organizing this event to discuss and reflect on the opportunity presented by the development of voluntary local reviews to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Participants in this workshop will include national and local authorities from the Latin American and Caribbean region who have been involved in SDG territorialization efforts, as well as in the preparation of the Local and National Voluntary Reviews; Resident Coordinators of the UN system and representatives of their offices, and other UN system officials, particularly from DESA and ECLAC, as well as other stakeholders, including civil society and academia.

The overall objective of the event is to promote dialogue and reflection on the opportunity represented by the elaboration of voluntary local reviews for the strengthening of intersectoral, multilevel, multi-stakeholder and long-term governance.

The XXXII MINURVI General Assembly was preceded on the 8th of November 2023 by a meeting in Buenos Aires between local and national authorities called "Towards Inclusive, Sustainable and Smart Cities: A National - Local Dialogue". This dialogue was organised by ECLAC's Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, to discuss the articulation between different levels of government in terms of urban policy, highlighting the importance of land, urban operators and joint planning for housing and sustainable mobility.

XXXII MINURVI General Assembly (Argentina, 2023)

Event type
Official Photo XXXII MINURVI General Assembly 2023

Official Photo XXXII MINURVI General Assembly 2023


The XXXII General Assembly of MINURVI, the Forum of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Housing and Urbanism of Latin America and the Caribbean, was held in Buenos Aires on 9 and 10 November 2023. During the meeting, 21 countries signed the Buenos Aires Declaration, highlighting the need to increase funding for climate change adaptation programmes and measures in cities.

In the declaration, authorities committed to addressing qualitative and quantitative housing deficits through new approaches that promote more efficient use of real estate and urbanised land, with special attention to inclusiveness and gender mainstreaming. They also agreed to implement policies to avoid excessive growth in land prices and to develop instruments to capture land value. In addition, they worked on promoting sustainable, smart, and inclusive urban mobility, as well as strengthening the integrality of urban and mobility planning.

The forum was attended by representatives from 21 Latin American and Caribbean countries, together with UN agencies, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), the World Bank and delegates from civil society organisations. The forum once again highlighted the need to strengthen inter-institutional coordination for the development, financing and implementation of policies towards inclusive and sustainable growth in the region's cities.

For more information on the 32nd MINURVI General Assembly, please click on the link in the right column.
To view the recording and final declaration of the Assembly, please go to the "Event Information - Attachments" section of this page.