ECLAC presents the Urban Platform at the XXXI General Assembly of MINURVI

On December 5 and 6, the XXXI MINURVI Assembly was held at ECLAC headquarters, a regional meeting aimed at promoting adequate and decent housing, sustainable urban development, urban resilience and adaptation to climate change.
El segundo día de la Asamblea, CEPAL llevó a cabo la presentación de la Plataforma Urbana, a cargo de Estefania Forero, funcionaria de la unidad de Asentamientos Humanos. El Ministro de Vivienda y Urbanismo de Chile, Carlos Montes, junto al comité ejecutivo de Minurvi resaltaron la importancia de la plataforma, al ser un espacio digital donde se puede monitorear el desarrollo de la Nueva Agenda Urbana, el seguimiento del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 11 y el Plan de Acción Regional. Las autoridades presentes se comprometieron a impulsar y desarrollar la plataforma lo cual quedó establecido en la Declaración de Santiago 2022 “Transformar y humanizar la ciudad y el territorio”
On the second day of the Assembly, ECLAC presented the Urban Platform, by Estefania Forero, an official from the Human Settlements unit. The Minister of Housing and Urbanism of Chile, Carlos Montes, together with the executive committee of Minurvi highlighted the importance of the platform, as it is a digital space where the development of the New Urban Agenda, the follow-up of Sustainable Development Goal 11 and the Regional Action Plan can be monitored. The authorities present committed to promote and develop the platform, which was established in the Declaration of Santiago 2022 "Transforming and humanizing the city and the territory".
In the Platform it is possible to find information on the region about:
- National urban policies.
- Financing and urban planning systems and their instruments.
- Legislation, programs and urban development plans.
- Documents and publications.
- Learning activities and events.
- Newsletters with the main urban news in the region.
- Statistics with indicators on SDG 11 at the national, regional and local levels.
- The Big Push for Sustainability, where you can find the Circular Cities and Sustainable Mobility pages.
In addition, there is the Virtual Forum, which provides a space for the analysis and discussion of urban territorial dynamics and processes in the region. It is based on the exchange of ideas and experiences by experts, decision-makers and stakeholders to promote the strengthening of national and subnational capacities for the implementation of sustainable development agendas.