4. Urban culture and heritage

4. Urban culture and heritage

Safeguarding and promoting cultural legacy alongside heritage opens up many opportunities for cities. Culture plays a fundamental role in urban economies through the creation of jobs and the integration of vulnerable population. Therefore, is important to promote culture through investment in cultural infrastructure, creative industries and new information technologies to have creative and sustainable cities.

MINURVI Ministerial Meeting (Brazil, 2024)

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The meeting of the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urbanism of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI): Climate Resilience and Sustainable Growth in Human Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, will be held on Thursday, August 1, and Friday, August 2, 2024, in Brasília, Brazil. The meeting will primarily focus on climate resilience and sustainable growth in human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During the event, topics will include biodiversity and climate change resilience in human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, Build Back Better: an approach to post-disaster recovery for more resilient cities, and land and climate change. Additionally, a ministerial debate will be held to exchange and share experiences, best practices, and proposals to promote urban resilience.

The meeting will feature a diverse group of participants, including ministers and high-level authorities from Latin American and Caribbean countries, academics, and civil society representatives to foster a richer discussion.