17. Cities and climate change and disaster risk management

17. Cities and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

In order to achieve the sustainable development of cities, it is necessary to take into account the present and future impact of climate change and the adequate administration for the mitigation and adaptation plans, especially for the most vulnerable territorial communities. For a successful management of climate change impact, good urban planning and design is needed, along with strong urban economic governance, accompanied by participation mechanisms, inclusion and data collection.



The World Urban Forum will return to the African continent after more than 20 years since it was held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2002. This event is considered a high-level, open, and inclusive platform convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to address the challenges of sustainable urbanization. This year, the Twelfth Session will take place in Cairo, Egypt, from November 4 to 9, 2024.

The National Council for Territorial Development of Chile (CNDT) is in the process of updating the country’s National Urban Development Policy. In this context, and in response to a request for support in identifying best practices and international experiences, ECLAC has facilitated exchanges between CNDT members and counterparts in Malaysia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Forum of Mayors, a subsidiary organ of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), has emerged as an innovative multilateral space that gives a leading role to the local governments involved. There have been three editions of the event so far, with the upcoming fourth edition set to take place from September 30th to October 1st at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, under the theme “Future Cities Summit.”

Latin America and the Caribbean is the most urbanized region of the developing world. United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has said that "cities are where the battle against climate change will be won or lost". Cities are the engines of economic growth, but also the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, and their dynamism is present in the midst of the great inequalities of our societies.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), together with the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, C40 and ENEL, organized the side event "Cities Collaborating Towards Circularity: Latin American and European Experiences", in the framework of the C40 World Summit of Mayors, held in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 19 to 21, 2022.

As part of a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas, the side event "Collaboration of cities towards circularity: Latin American and European experiences", promoted collaboration and coo

The Division for Sustainable Development and Human Settlements (DDSAH) of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) participated in the event "Unlocking the potential of Green Growth and Climate Finance Innovations" at the Global Green Growth Week 2022, organized by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), presenting the activities carried out during the year 2022 in the framework of the Declaration of Circular Cities of Latin America and the Caribbean.