22. Informal settlements

22. Informal Settlements

Informal settlements are residential areas where the inhabitants do not have security of tenure regarding the land or housing they inhabit, ranging from illegal occupation to informal rental housing. Neighborhoods often lack basic services and urban infrastructure, often being located in hazardous environmental and geographic areas. Therefore, to foster sustainable urban development, it is important to recognize the challenges of these types of settlements and the mainstreaming of human rights through strong government leadership.

Virtual Forums MINURVI 2023

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Minurvi 2023

Minurvi 2023

Event information

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With the aim of sharing experiences and fostering debate on housing, habitat and urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean, MINURVI's virtual discussion forums were held during September and October 2023, led by the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory of Colombia, which assumed the vice-presidency of MINURVI for the period 2023. The three Forums focused on central themes such as energy, territory, land management and climate change mitigation in relation to housing and urban development.

National and sub-national governments in the region were invited to submit experiences and good practices to nurture the exchange of experiences and in preparation for the XXXII MINURVI General Assembly to be held on 9 and 10 November in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The topics and dates of the Forums were:



The recording of the event (in Spanish) is available by clicking on the attached link.

5th Forum on Housing and Habitat, Latin America and the Caribbean

Event type
Imagen 5° Foro de Vivienda y Hábitat, Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Imagen 5° Foro de Vivienda y Hábitat, Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Event information

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In-person Bogotá

In a context shaped by unprecedented global challenges, the Fifth Housing and Habitat Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean concluded with a unanimous call to consider housing as a fundamental tool to address the climate and social crisis affecting the region. Organized by Habitat for Humanity, in collaboration with strategic partners and convened through the Urban Habitat and Housing Practice Platform (UHPH), the event took place in Bogota, Colombia, from July 31 to August 2, 2023.

The Forum, the only one of its kind in the region, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government representatives, sustainable development experts, community leaders and academics, who came together to analyze and co-construct comprehensive and innovative solutions that respond to current housing and urban challenges.

The region has faced increasing challenges related to climate change and social inequality, exacerbated by the global health emergency. The housing deficit, which has been a constant challenge, has become even more acute, underscoring the urgent need to address these problems from a comprehensive, horizontally and vertically coordinated and sustainable perspective. In this edition, the central theme was housing as a cornerstone in the fight against the climate crisis and the social problems aggravated by the pandemic.


For three days, experts and various stakeholders interested in housing, urban planning and sustainable development participated in panels, lectures and working sessions to address these critical issues. The participation of the Human Settlements Unit of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) strengthened the connection between the discussions and regional policies.

One of the highlights of the Forum was the panel entitled "Challenges in housing and settlements in the face of climate change and the social crisis," with the participation of Diego Aulestia, Chief of the Unit, who shared valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the region in the area of housing and habitat. The panel presented innovative approaches to ensure decent housing in harmony with the environment and resilient to climate change.


The Fifth Housing and Habitat Forum reaffirmed the commitment of multiple stakeholders to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in the region. It also highlighted the importance of intersectoral collaboration and the joint search for solutions to address emerging challenges.

The presentation by Diego Aulestia, Chief of ECLAC's Human Settlements Unit is available above. More information on the event, as well as the agenda, can be found in the attached link.