6. Urban governance

6. Urban governance

Urban government is the central pillar that allows the proper functioning and enabling environment for administrative processes, legal frameworks, management, and urban policies to function successfully. This type of government is accompanied by multilevel and local governance with decentralization processes. Which is why local and national institutions are essential actors in achieving adequate planning and sustainable urban development.


The World Urban Forum will return to the African continent after more than 20 years since it was held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2002. This event is considered a high-level, open, and inclusive platform convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to address the challenges of sustainable urbanization. This year, the Twelfth Session will take place in Cairo, Egypt, from November 4 to 9, 2024.

The National Council for Territorial Development of Chile (CNDT) is in the process of updating the country’s National Urban Development Policy. In this context, and in response to a request for support in identifying best practices and international experiences, ECLAC has facilitated exchanges between CNDT members and counterparts in Malaysia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Urban public operators: Towards more sustainable, productive and inclusive cities

Event type
Urban public operators

Urban public operators

Event information

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Join our webinar!
We invite you to participate in our next virtual event, where we will explore the importance of urban operators and their contribution to the challenges of achieving sustainable, fair and inclusive urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Urban operations require coordinated and comprehensive governance among stakeholders, as well as a solid financial structure to ensure their sustainability. In addition, they incorporate the management models, land valuation models that they produce, emphasize spatial scale, and emphasize the risks and effects on the population. Therefore, the discussion on urban operators is vital for the development of the cities we want.

The Webinar will offer a rich exchange of experiences to reflect on the crucial role of urban operators as facilitators and managers in the planning of cities and the implementation of land use plans. We will have the valuable participation of several cities and experts in the region, who will share lessons learned. 

The Webinar will present the ECLAC publication "Operadores públicos urbanos: Reflexiones para el desarrollo de ciudades más inclusivas, justas y sostenibles. Experiencias de Quito, Medellín, São Paulo, Bogotá y La Habana". We will highlight the importance of including diverse urban actors to equitably redistribute burdens and benefits, promoting a mixed use that reinforces territorial equity. In addition, we will explore the encouragement of less profitable uses, such as social housing. From the perspective of the urban mobility sector, we will address the central role of urban operators in the design and implementation of occupancy and densification projects together with transportation hubs.

This webinar seeks to fuel the debate on integrated public policies and urban practices that promote sustainable development in our cities.

Guiding questions for the conversation:
  • What governance and management models have proven to be most effective in ensuring the general interest over the particular while at the same time with financial sustainability? Challenges and exploring strategies for improving governance of urban processes and sustainable city planning?  
  • What are the challenges for incorporating urban operators in urban mobility and social housing planning (financially less profitable uses)? What is the governance that enables a smooth coordination between urban operators and public transport system operators/managers?
  • How can public urban operators contribute to improve mobility in Latin American cities and reduce dependence on private transport?
  • What advances and limitations exist in practice for the development of integrated planning that articulates inclusion, social housing, mobility, land management and territorial equity?

Don't miss this opportunity to learn and contribute to the dialogue on the future of our cities!

 Soon we will attach the connection link.


At the XXIXth  General Assembly of the Forum of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI) held in December 2020, the member states adopted the decision, through the Declaration of Bogotá, to create a Technical Secretariat within the Executive Committee of the Forum, and that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) will jointly assume this role.